Inference with ONNX models

Text-generation model

Command usage

usage: nexa onnx [-h] [-t TEMPERATURE] [-m MAX_NEW_TOKENS] [-k TOP_K] [-p TOP_P] [-sw [STOP_WORDS ...]] [-pf] [-st] model_path


  • -t, --temperature: Temperature for sampling

  • -m, --max_new_tokens: Maximum number of new tokens to generate

  • -k, --top_k: Top-k sampling parameter

  • -p, --top_p: Top-p sampling parameter

  • -sw, --stop_words: List of stop words for early stopping

  • -pf, --profiling: Enable profiling logs for the inference process

  • -st, --streamlit: Run the inference in Streamlit UI

Streamlit Interface

Image-generation model

Command Usage

usage: nexa onnx [-h] [-ns NUM_INFERENCE_STEPS] [-np NUM_IMAGES_PER_PROMPT] [-H HEIGHT] [-W WIDTH] [-g GUIDANCE_SCALE] [-o OUTPUT] [-s RANDOM_SEED] [-st] model_path


  • -ns, --num_inference_steps: Number of inference steps

  • -np, --num_images_per_prompt: Number of images to generate per prompt

  • -H, --height: Height of the output image

  • -W, --width: Width of the output image

  • -g, --guidance_scale: Guidance scale for diffusion

  • -o, --output: Output path for the generated image

  • -s, --random_seed: Random seed for image generation

  • -st, --streamlit: Run the inference in Streamlit UI

Streamlit Interface

Automatic Speech Recognition model

Command Usage

usage: nexa onnx [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-r SAMPLING_RATE] [-st] model_path


  • -o, --output_dir: Output directory for transcriptions

  • -r, --sampling_rate: Sampling rate for audio processing

  • -st, --streamlit: Run the inference in Streamlit UI

Streamlit Interface

Text-to-speech model

Command Usage

usage: nexa onnx [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-r SAMPLING_RATE] [-st] model_path


  • -o, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR: Output directory for text-to-speech output

  • -r, --sampling_rate SAMPLING_RATE: Sampling rate for audio processing

  • -st, --streamlit: Run the inference in Streamlit UI

Streamlit Interface

Last updated